Grace Kelly

Lovely. Lace curtain lovely. First thing I remember learning about Grace Kelly was that she was lace curtain. Her look, her voice, her manner, very lace curtain. I learned the meaning of grace from Grace Kelly. But there was the taint of lace curtain about her. I learned that as a child. It was no accident she married a prince. I’m amazed that a lifetime later those thoughts still rise up in me every time I see a photo or film of Grace Kelly. Even this one. The Irish sure could hold a grudge. It’s like ancient resentments are born into us centuries later and still linger half a world away. Nothing from my father’s side took a hold on me at all. But overheard conversations between my grandmother and her daughters when I was a child still whisper inside when I see a photo. And that Grace Kelly sure could take a picture. A photographer’s dream.

You know, she was Irish-German, Grace Kelly was. So am I, come to think of it. She’s the prettier one, though.

Alas, I’ve no idea who the photographer was.

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